
Thank you for your interest in ManifestWorks. Please click Next Page to begin the application. Note that the application is 8 pages total. We ask you to put care into completing each question as your responses will factor into your admission.

Again, thanks for your interest.
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Basic Information

Please remember the email you submit here will be the address we use to contact you through the application process. Make sure you are able to check received or spam emails at this address, including one that we will sent to confirm your application is complete.

Note: we will verify work eligibility during interviews for the program.
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Eligibility Question #1
Have you ever been in foster care?

For our purposes, ManifestWorks defines foster care (also known as out-of-home care) as: 
  • A temporary service provided by state or local jurisdictions for children who cannot live with their families. Children in foster care may live with relatives or with unrelated foster parents. 
  • Foster care can also refer to placement settings for those under 18 such as; group homes, residential care facilities, youth shelters, and supervised independent living.
  • Can also include oversight by jurisdictions like Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS), family court, children's court, or delinquency court to include; voluntary contracts, protective supervision, extended home visitations, and other in-home services.

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Eligibility Question #2
Have you ever been impacted by homelessness?  For our purposes ManifestWorks defines homelessness as: 
  • Any individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
  • This includes those living in emergency or domestic violence shelters, transitional housing, or other public/private spaces not meant for habitation?”

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Eligibility Question #3
Have you ever been incarcerated or impacted by justice-system involvement?

For our purposes, ManifestWorks defines justice-system involvement as:
  • Incarceration, parole, probation, Juvenile delinquency court or detention.

Incarceration History
Please note that this section is for information and reporting purposes only.

If you don't know the exact date, please use the first day of the month.

If you don't know the exact date, please use the first day of the month.

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General Background

Military Service

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References and Referral

You can provide up to 3.
Reference #1

Reference #2

Reference #3

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Follow Up